De H. G. on 21/Nov/2021 :

    Títol : Hynek
    Comentaris : Rychlost. Z jara až zasádím uvidíme.

    De J. K. on 19/Sep/2021 :

    Títol : Midnight toker
    Comentaris : This plant is a pleasant refreshment of the garden. I have the impression that other plants also like it. I was surprised that it is quite a powerful, nice surprise.

    De S. A. on 05/Jul/2021 :

    Títol : qualidade ótima
    Comentaris : Fácil germinação e muito bonita

    De V. K. on 28/May/2021 :

    Títol : Great cover!!!
    Comentaris : I recommend using this plant as a cover when growing outside. The plant it self is poisonous, so don´t consume it. Very bushy type. If you plant this out to your garden, it will remain there forever. I recommend pots, and take care that the borage officialis will not cover your entire backyard, by taking out the seeds after flovering. Good plant. Be careful.

    De C. C. on 21/Apr/2021 :

    Títol : Super Borragine
    Comentaris : Semi da combattimento. Ci sono stati cambi climatici repentini e loro sono sbocciati e cresciuti lo stesso. finora i semi migliori.

    De D. S. on 26/Feb/2021 :

    Títol : Izumy
    Comentaris : Fast growth

    De M. A. on 03/Nov/2020 :

    Títol : BehindTHeCorner
    Comentaris : Wow ces graines ont vraiment germées en 24 heures. Et quasi toutes ont pris!

    De B. S. on 01/Jun/2020 :

    Títol : Awesome
    Comentaris : Looking very healthy plants and growing fast.

    De J. C. on 29/Jan/2020 :

    Títol : Plantas
    Comentaris : Crescem Rápido

    De A. R. on 31/Dec/2018 :

    Títol : Mignone et pas chère
    Comentaris : Un peu de bleu dans un monde de brutes.

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