De S. K. on 06/Jan/2022 :

    Títol : Royal growth pack
    Comentaris : Excellent

    De H. P. on 04/Aug/2020 :

    Títol : Growth Pack
    Comentaris : I like my companions. Some seeds were surprisingly challenging to germinate but with patience it ended up being lovely plants so seeds are good.

    De T. H. on 08/Apr/2020 :

    Títol : Nice looking pestcontrol
    Comentaris : Wenn schon Bio Grow dann auch Begleitpflanzung.

    De A. G. on 15/Jul/2019 :

    Títol : envío rápido
    Comentaris : semillas de calidad, germina la gran mayoría

    De D. G. on 24/Apr/2019 :

    Títol : Ottima idea
    Comentaris : Ottimo per crearsi un bel giardino

    De C. S. on 05/Mar/2019 :

    Títol : mr c j
    Comentaris : great product and simple to use my outdoor garden never looked so good!!!

    De G. C. on 02/Nov/2017 :

    Títol : Fast Delivery and seeds did what they are suppose to do
    Comentaris : They have brought a colourful and fragrant touch to my grow space

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