• Titan F1
  • Titan F1
  • Titan F1
  • Titan F1
  • Titan F1

Titan F1

Blue Dream x Sugar Magnolia x Amnesia

La Titan F1 destaca com una de les opcions més potents de la nostra línia d'híbrids F1. Gràcies al seu llinatge genètic, produeix nivells altíssims de THC i una gran quantitat de terpens deliciosos. A més, encara que les plantes no són massa grans, ofereixen collites impressionants.
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Titan F1: Un dels híbrids F1 més forts

Què penses quan llegeixes la paraula “Tità”? Hi ha els qui l'associen amb els fills d'Urà de la mitologia grega. Uns altres saben que Tità és la lluna més gran de Saturn. I entre els cultivadors d'herba? Aquestes persones reconeixen a la Titan F1 com una varietat de marihuana amb una genètica d'avantguarda. Es tracta d'un dels primers híbrids F1 autoflorescents, i és una varietat pionera que ofereix productivitat, resistència i una cosa completament nova. Encara que no ha nascut de cossos celestes, la Titan F1 té una ascendència igual d'impressionant. Uns criadors amb gran talent van crear aquest cep F1 mitjançant l'encreuament de línies endogames que comparteixen ascendència amb la Blue Dream, la Sugar Magnolia i l'Amnèsia.

Titan F1

Efectes, sabors i aromes de la Titan F1: potents efectes i notes ensucrades i cítriques

La Titan F1 delectarà el teu olfacte durant la fase de floració i més enllà. Aquesta varietat autoflorescent ofereix un potent perfil de terpens compost principalment per mircè, farnesenè, ocimenè, pinenè, bisabolol i limonenè. En combinar aquests compostos aromàtics s'obtenen notes de fruites, caramels i citronel·la. La Titan F1 compta amb la major concentració de THC de la nostra col·lecció d'híbrids F1, i exerceix un efecte potent i d'acció ràpida que fon els músculs i buida la ment. És perfecta per a gaudir després d'un llarg dia de treball.

Titan F1

Cultivar Titan F1: plantes discretes i productives

Amb una altura mitjana de 65cm, la Titan F1 es pot cutivar pràcticament en qualsevol lloc mantenint la discreció. Aquesta planta arbustiva presenta una morfologia índica, una gran quantitat de tricomes, i es converteix en una planta completament madura després d'uns 73 dies des de la germinació. Prepara't per a gaudir d'exemplars uniformes i consistents que creixen pràcticament en qualsevol entorn.

Titan F1 Flowering Time
Titan F1 data sheet
Varietat: Híbrides F1 auto
Genètica: Blue Dream x Sugar Magnolia x Amnesia
THC: Super alt
Rendiment: XXL
Alçada: 55 - 75 cm
Temps de Floració: 40 - 45 dies
Collita: 70 - 75 dies després de germinar
Terpèns principals: Cariofilè, Farnesè, Mircè, Ocimene
Efecte: Calmant, Concentració, Estimulant, Relaxació corporal
Aroma: Caramel, Carburant, Herbal, Pi, Vanilla
Clima: Estius curts

    De A. S. on 09/Apr/2024 :

    Títol : Titan F1
    Comentaris : Appena messi i semi ''sbocciati'' nei vasi, ora si incrociano le dita e si spera che per i primi di giugno riesca a raccogliere qualcosa! ;)

    De J. G. on 09/Apr/2024 :

    Títol : Ideal indoor grow
    Comentaris : 2x3 plants, 100%germination in fibre pots and incubator together. 3 plants grew to 85 centimetres 3 to 65cms. 1st batch ready in exactly 73 days, second smaller batch will take 1 week more. Needs good led lighting and air extraction to avoid excess humidity. Feb-April grow, so background heater on 24/7. Good looking plants with thick buds. I have re-ordered..

    De K. M. on 03/Apr/2024 :

    Títol : Diego - DE
    Comentaris : Sehr schnelle Keimung auf Soil-Plugs. Keimungsrate: 3 von 3. Ich bin begeistert. Updates zu Wirkung und Geschmack folgen wenn reif. :)

    De T. S. on 11/Apr/2024 :

    Títol : It is what it is.
    Comentaris : They are pretty stable. Pretty fast. I think the concept is cool. The delivery is a little bit underwhelming. I have a pretty high quality setup. Rolled a few rounds of these with apollos. Had many weird plants between the two. Between just not germinating, having them literally tap root through the top of the soil (or decapitate themselves) split at birth and create really weird bushes. Idk if I got some overly inbred batches. A couple of the plants grew for a week and completely stopped doing anything. Same environment and medium etc as the other ones that grew pretty decent. Can’t say these are worth the money at this point. So unpredictable. I think I’ve had about 40% of the f1 I’ve planted take bad turns for almost no reason. Bought them at almost $90 per set of 3, regrettably. I couldn’t see myself spending even the $45 on another batch

    De J. C. on 27/Mar/2024 :

    Títol : Cool Plant but maybe not for humid places
    Comentaris : A little leafy for my preferences and difficult to train, so buds want to grow too close to one another if growing in a humid climate. It’s winter so humidity and mold were not an issue, but I wouldn’t run this in the summer based on what I’ve seen

    De F. S. on 21/Mar/2024 :

    Títol : Fab
    Comentaris : Bonne plante et récolte correcte plein de trichomes,très bonne variétée.bon hight.

    De C. T. on 28/Feb/2024 :

    Títol : Fat heads!
    Comentaris : Grew this twice now, both times its been short but the heads are so fat! Lovely smell to it, pungent and citrusy, smoke is lovely, very strong but no couch lock! 10 10 strain

    De B. P. on 26/Feb/2024 :

    Títol : Ben
    Comentaris : Pas encore fait germer

    De S. M. on 26/Feb/2024 :

    Títol : Great little producer
    Comentaris : Planted three and they all “took off”, as much as this plant does. None of the plants exceeded 24” in height, but they produced an average of 90 grams of flower each (dried and trimmed).

    De C. F. on 22/Feb/2024 :

    Títol : Titan
    Comentaris : Sballo pesante ma rilassante. Sapore pungente. Ottima per la sera

    De T. P. on 21/Feb/2024 :

    Títol : Highhly recomended
    Comentaris : Very stable and easy to grow

    De N. S. on 14/Feb/2024 :

    Títol : Easiest weed I ever grew
    Comentaris : It didn't yield a lot after it's 72 day lifetime, maybe an ounce. These F1s don't like to be topped. I always top my autos and get good yields, but not Titan (nor Orion). It was simply stunted even though it was very young when I topped it at the fifth node and usually that makes for monster growth and up to five ounce's dried bud at the end. However, it was absolutely the easiest grow ever ever ever. This bean practically raised itself to maturity, if I'd done nothing it would have yielded more too I'm sure. Unbelieveably easy to grow and there was potential for trouble in the grow room, the GSC beside it got a rust fungal disease, Titan didn't get it at all, that is impressive in a confined space. My first smoke test left me puzzled, was this a CBD plant I'd grown by mistake? I felt nothing, no idea why, but after a few weeks curing it gained potency and it would probably gain more if there was any left! It became stronger, but lacked in entourage effects imo. I mixed it with a little bluematic to solve that. I only bought one Titan seed, but the price is coming down so I plan to get more sometime, just because it was the easiest weed to grow, for now I've some free Milky Way seeds to play with :)

    De M. P. on 17/Jan/2024 :

    Títol : Bigbud
    Comentaris : Kleine, kompakte und robuste Sorte die sehr buschig wächst und viele große Blüten produziert... jederzeit wieder

    De M. E. on 04/Jan/2024 :

    Títol : M
    Comentaris : Absolutely nice. One of my favourite RQS strains. Love it!

    De M. B. on 29/Dec/2023 :

    Títol : F1
    Comentaris : Kheb al andere F1's geprobeerd en die waren prima, nu deze eens testen!

    No pots publicar una opinió d'aquest producte si no l'has comprat
From BP | 2023-10-03 19:23:40

Hey, My question was not answered to my satisfaction. My little Lady has whorled phyllotaxis means instead of two she has three leave pairs per nodules. Is it bad or should I be happy?? Thanks in advance! Best regards, Ben

Royal Queen Seeds Team

sometimes they arrive as triplets but it doesn't affect the development of the plant

From Ich | 2023-09-02 07:15:01

Hey, how much would 1 Plant bring in gramms, when everything is going optimal? lets say with 720W LED Lamp from Lumii? 60g? 100g?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Flower yield depends strongly on the growing conditions and plant density. However, due to hybrid vigor, F1 hybrid varieties show more flower yield compared to the traditional strains.

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eKomi silver seal
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basat 37761 valoracions


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