Títol : incredible result from a lil can
Comentaris : I had a couple a diff strains, all of em but 1 came out to be incredible plants.
The cocos is qualy the micro and feed is good, the growing plug is great and functioned way better then others kinds i tried. This was a really good buy. and worth it price quality wise, especially if u are a beginner and dont know what how when, basicly plug and play. (DONT try to pot em over to a bigger pot, i had troubles getting 1 out so i could put in a bigger pot, didnt touch the rest after that. ) All in All positiv revieuws all over. great combo pack. great value.
somehow i wished it could be a 2,4 l pot ;) wouldv been perfect then.
Títol : First seed didn't pop
Comentaris : My very first seed didn't pop out but I'm going to wait until Winters over to grow again
Títol : Vrolijke Kerst.
Comentaris : Ideaal cadeau voor onder de kerstboom. Gekocht tijdens black-friday. De Fat Bananas kweekpot werd door mijn schoondochter met dank aanvaard.
Títol : Dirk Duffe
Comentaris : Soweit ganz gut nue eine Anleitung auf deutsch bzw. PDF Anleitung zum Download wäre super
Títol : One question about the run off water
Comentaris : So far so good outa seed and little bugger shooting up lol shout out to you guys
Just one question the run off water is yellow and smells like cat p*ss why is that
Títol : Royal cookie
Comentaris : Great can mines is almost done can’t wait she’s so big
Títol : I grow can
Comentaris : Pukka item
Títol : I growcan
Comentaris : Ho comprato l'igrow can insieme a dei semi di green gelato auto. Mi sono usciti più o meno 5 grammi coltivando outdoor (c'è stato maltempo per molti mesi).
In generale sono soddisfatto, tutto molto intuitivo.
Títol : Edou
Comentaris : Au top !👌🏻
Títol : B. K.
Comentaris : Zweimal gekauft (Northern Lights und Green Gelato). Bis jetzt nur die Green Gelato ausprobiert, sowohl die IGrowCan an sich als auch die Samen sehr gut für Einsteiger. Einzig etwas zusätzlichen Dünger würde ich empfehlen, da die Pflanze bei mir etwas länger gebraucht hat und am Ende sehr hungrig wurde. Insgesamt ein Super Produkt für Einsteiger oder Leute, die das Growen nur mal ausprobieren wollen!
Títol : Great for first-time growers
Comentaris : Had no experience going in and it worked perfectly. You have to repot it pretty early on, after ca. three weeks, otherwise the growth of your plant will be stunted, but hey, you live and you learn. Don't expect the volume of the can to be sufficient for the entire growth cycle, but you can reuse the soil and everything in a bigger pot.
Títol : Royal "Dwarf" 100 gr Giant Plant
Comentaris : We used another Pot and our Dwarf was really a huge plant over 80 cm and we got over 100 gr ! For my First grow ever i was more as happy :)
Comentaris : NICE GIFT
Títol : Wish customer service was better
Comentaris : 3 seeds germinated out of the 6 I bought and asked if they would replace ones that didn't sprout they asked for pics of seeds as if I kept dead seeds. 🤔
Títol : Quintus
Comentaris : Super Sache um das Growen auszuprobieren. Ich hatte die Fast Eddy, ist super gewachsen mit kleinem Ertrag.
Bonjour ca serait pour connaitre le NPK de vos deux nutriments, BioGrow et Bio Bloom
BioGrow (Nitrogen 4%, Phosphor 3%, Potasium 6%) BioBloom (Nitrogen 2%, Phosphor 7%, Potasium 4%)
What’s measurements of the can. Can’t help but think this would be perfect for a window grow this spring
At just 15cm tall and 11cm wide, the iGrowCan will arrive at your address in a discreet package.
First: congrats, this is a genius idea. But I wonder about the bottom of this can ; are there holes?
Yes, the bottom of the can has some small holes to drain the excess of water.
Θέλω να ρωτήσω εάν μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί το εσωτερικό του igrowcan σε μεγαλύτερο σκεύος για μεγαλύτερο μέγεθος.
It is designed to be used with the can provided. However, you can use a bigger pot if you want.