De M. C. on 05/Sep/2022 :

    Títol : Buon sapore
    Comentaris : Ottima fattura, buoni filtri! Sapore interessante!

    De T. T. on 13/Apr/2022 :

    Títol : Love it
    Comentaris : This i will order more, great taste

    De M. R. on 29/Mar/2022 :

    Títol : good enough
    Comentaris : not my kind of paper, got it as a gift and not complaining about it. Use them if I'm out of normal paper

    De O. K. on 27/Mar/2022 :

    Títol : Cool
    Comentaris : Interesting flavors

    De I. C. on 26/Oct/2021 :

    Títol : Printed paper
    Comentaris : Nice Look i recomended

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