De A. K. on 10/Jul/2024 :

    Títol : nice finish
    Comentaris : if you are in doubt about size, take the larger one

    De B. S. on 02/Jul/2024 :

    Títol : Excellent product
    Comentaris : Really good quality product. Closing clips feel solid and makes an airtight seal. Will definitely be buying a few more.

    De V. A. on 02/Jul/2024 :

    Títol : GMGB-Vince
    Comentaris : Perfect, Royal Queen Seeds weed deserves the best curing.

    De A. R. on 27/Mar/2024 :

    Títol : Andreas
    Comentaris : Perfekt

    De P. P. on 04/Sep/2023 :

    Títol : Tut was es verspricht
    Comentaris : Leider kein extra "Fach" für ein Boveda, ansonsten qualitativ hochwertig

    De B. S. on 28/Aug/2023 :

    Títol : Very Handsome!! 👌🏽
    Comentaris : Interesting product, perfect for the last process 💪🏽

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